Looking for Pool Heater Services in Momence, IL?
We can help you fix, install or replace your pool heater
While many projects can be handled without the help of a professional, electrical installations or repairs require advanced knowledge and equipment to complete safely. Save yourself from electrical hazards by leaving your project to DJ R Electric. Our experienced, licensed and insured electricians can make quick work of your project while ensuring that you and your property stay safe.
Call 815-278-0464 today to get a free estimate on your general electric repair services in Momence, IL.

Ask for a Free Estimate on Your Project
We'll give you a price before you commit to the service
Get help from an electrician that you can trust ➞
Our electricians have over a decade of experience providing general electric repair services. We're licensed and insured professionals committed to safety and customer satisfaction. You'll see right away that our family-owned and -operated company always puts your needs first, offering custom solutions and quick turnaround times. Whether you're receiving pool heater services or residential wiring services, you can trust us to make your project a success.
How can we serve you?
Our company has a lot to offer. Call on us whenever you need:
- Electrical panel services
- Generator services
- Residential wiring services
- Commercial wiring services
- Electrical repair services
- Pool heater services
- Pool pump services
Have any questions? Reach out to us today, and we'll give you helpful answers.